
Spooky Southcoast has been on the airwaves since 2006. Since then we’ve had shows/podcasts on topics ranging from Ghosts and Hauntings to UFO’s and Cryptids. WBSM has somehow let us keep coming back to do the show every Saturday night here in New Bedford, MA for over 10 years.

In it’s genesis, SSC began with Tim Weisberg and Matt Costa at the helm but has since brought on board scientist at large Matt Moniz, renowned author Chris Balzano and psychic medium Stephanie Burke.

More importantly the listeners and viewers of Spooky Southcoast are as much a part of the show as the “Spooky Crew” with multiple ways of interacting during the show. Whether it’s the chatroom during our LIVE Youtube stream, on Twitter using #SPOOKYLIVE, Facebook LIVE and of course live call-ins (1-877-996-1420).

Tim Weisberg

Tim Weisberg


Chris Balzano

Chris Balzano

Content Director

Stephanie Burke

Stephanie Burke


Matt Moniz

Matt Moniz

Science Advisor

What’s the Show About?

We discuss a range of topics, from Cryptids to Ghosts to Aliens and Everything inbetween. Here’s a meaningless graph to illustrate some of the topics we discuss.

  • Ghosts 80% 80%
  • Legends 70% 70%
  • Cryptids 65% 65%
  • Aliens/UFOs 75% 75%
  • Snacks 93% 93%



Dave McCullough from Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO)

We were joined in studio by Dave McCullough, Bigfoot researcher for BFRO and Ken DeCosta tells us about the upcoming Ocean State Paracon

Are we ready for UFO disclosure?

With UFOs in the news and disclosure on everyone’s mind, we talk about our readiness for this information. How would we react if UFOs were disclosed? 

Tea with Lizzie Borden – Frank Durant

We are joined by Frank Durant, film maker working on his project Tea with Lizzie . A short film that goes back in time and re-enacts a fictional conversation Lizzie Borden had with a newspaper reporter named William Dwyer.

The Toxicity of Steve Huff

Tonight we talk about the toxicity of Steve Huff and his “Spirit Boxes”We were also joined by Bob Magill and Tina Storer from Travel channel’s Ghost Bait

One Year After Art Bell’s Passing

One year after the passing of Art Bell, Tim reflects on the Art Bell’s work with callers and people in the chat. Also Matt Bleistein return with another edition of the Week in Weird.

Answering the Hard Questions about Lizzie Borden’s Ghost

We talk with Amy Bruni and Chip Coffey about some questions and internet backlash that arose from the recent episode of Kindred Spirits visiting Maplecroft, the former home of Lizzie Borden.

Horror Movies and Devil Music – Open Lines

We discussed some songs thought to have been written by the devil, some horror movie curses and of course snacks.

The Power of 432Hz and the Anunnaki – Michael Lee Hill

Michael Lee Hill joins us to tell us about the power of 432Hz and his encounter with an Anunnaki and we debut (again) the Week in Weird with Matt Bleistein.

The Pascagoula Abduction – Calvin Parker

We are joined by Calvin Parker, author of PASCAGOULA-THE CLOSEST ENCOUNTER: MY STORY shares with us his account of what happened during his alien encounter with co-worker Charles Hickson.

Psychic Kimberly Dawn

With old friend Andrew Lake returning to the show as a guest co-host, we speak with Para Psychic Kimberly Dawn about how she uses her psychic abilities to battle dark entities.

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