Apr 22, 2006 | Archive, Episodes
Apr 15, 2006 | Archive, Episodes
PETER ROBBINS April 15, 2006. Guest: Peter Robbins, co-author of “Left at East Gate,” about the December 1980 UFO sightings at two airbases surrounding the Rendlesham Forest in the United Kingdom. Features audio evidence of the sigthings, as well as...
Apr 8, 2006 | Archive, Episodes
Heidi Hollis April 8, 2006. Guest: Heidi Hollis author of “The Secret War A True Story About A Real Alien War And Shadow People”. Topics: Shadow People, aliens, UFOs, Martin Luther King assassination conspiracy.
Mar 25, 2006 | Archive, Episodes
Kristyn Gartland March 25, 2006. Guest: Kristyn Gartland of The Atlantic Paranormal Society (TAPS) and the Sci-Fi Channel show “Ghost Hunters.” We were also surprised via telephone by demonologist and TAPS member Keith Johnson, who shared with us...
Mar 18, 2006 | Archive, Episodes
Christopher Balzano March 18, 2006. Guest: Christopher Balzano. Topic: Paranormal Massachusetts. We discuss all aspects of Massachusetts’ haunted history, with Chris, who is the administrator of the Massachusetts Paranormal Crossroads website...
Mar 11, 2006 | Archive, Episodes
Budd Hopkins March 11, 2006. Guest: Budd Hopkins. Topics: UFOs and UFO abductions. We had a terrific talk with Budd, the founder of the Intruders Foundation and a pioneer in the field of abduction phenomena.