Author, psychologist and parapsychologist Brandon Massullo joins us to discuss alternate theories of ghosts. If not dead people, what are they? How do living people influence paranormal activity?
We get into all of that, and more.
About Brandon Massullo:
Brandon Massullo is a clinical therapist, parapsychologist, and author residing in Northeast Ohio. Fascinated by paranormal phenomena for more than 20 years, Massullo has been a participant in and featured speaker at numerous paranormal forums and events. He studied psychology and parapsychology at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. His research has been cited in numerous parapsychological journals, articles, and mainstream books.
Are We Doing More Harm than Good??
Appreciating Experiences in the Paranormal
Ghosts and the Survival Hypothesis
Is Ghost Activity driven by Emotion?
3 Ingredients for Ghostly Activity
What’s the Difference between Shadow People and Ghosts?
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