The Spookcrew along with John Brightman are joined this week by author Tara Theresa Hill. Her work gathering ghost stories and paranormal encounters can be found on her website The Ghost Post.



About Tara Theresa Hill

Since childhood, I have been fascinated with ghosts and hauntings.  I have experienced plenty of ghostly phenomena over the years and seek to share those experiences with my readers through both my ghost story blog and fiction.

During college, I was attracted to classes like Gothic Literature where I read Dracula, Frankenstein, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and other Horror classics.  Whenever it was possible, I included a ghost in my creative writing assignment.  I even did a research paper on paranormal investigations and types of hauntings for one of my classes.  I also founded an annual college ghost tour where I led incoming students and their parents around telling them about the spirits that haunted our campus.

Website: The Ghost Post

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