Just Paranormal Things

Just Paranormal Things

AUDIO:http://spookysouthcoast.hipcast.com/deluge/spookysouthcoast-20190107214159-2695.mp3Download  With the SpookyCrew all in the studio for the first show of the new year. The gang shoots around some paranormal topics and discuss what’s to come in the new year....
People as Paranormal Receptors – Danny Roberge

People as Paranormal Receptors – Danny Roberge

AUDIO: http://spookysouthcoast.hipcast.com/deluge/spookysouthcoast-20190101141126-5503.mp3Download  Danny Roberge of Big Beard Studios joins us to talk about the idea of people as paranormal receptors. Danny, the creator of the EchoVox and EchoVox Touch app, believes...
Horror Movies and Paranormal Talk

Horror Movies and Paranormal Talk

AUDIO:http://spookysouthcoast.hipcast.com/deluge/spookysouthcoast-20181225103027-7624.mp3Download  John Brightman joins Tim and Matt Costa to talk about horror movies, particularly the classics vs. the modern age of horror, and also some paranormal topics as well. ...
Paranormal in our Everyday Lives

Paranormal in our Everyday Lives

AUDIO: http://spookysouthcoast.hipcast.com/deluge/spookysouthcoast-20181225095712-1968.mp3Download  WBSM News Director (and Tim’s former boss) Taylor Cormier stops by as we discuss the impact paranormal belief and research can have in everyday life. We even talk...
Paranormal Potpourri – Shows of Future Past

Paranormal Potpourri – Shows of Future Past

AUDIO: http://spookysouthcoast.hipcast.com/deluge/spookysouthcoast-20181008170142-8313.mp3 Download  Tim and the gang talk about the world of the paranormal and reminisce about Spooky Southcoast episodes of yesteryear, including the infamous “Backyard...

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