We’re back after taking a week off for the Plymouth Paracon and venture into some interesting things that happened when Stephanie and Ty Gowen (from Haunt-Me.com) try the Estes Method.



About TY:

With an audio recorder at his side and a K-2 meter at the ready, Ty focuses on grounding mysteries in an approachable way. Striving to

Ty Gowen - Haunt-me.com


translate the world of weird into something tangible, he travels through strange locations with his shield up and mind open.


About Haunt-Me:

Haunt ME is a web series following the adventures of a team of young paranormal investigators as they explore their home state of Maine, a state steeped in folklore and ghostly anecdotes.

We take the evidence and experiences we find at each location to classify on our rating scale and amass an index of haunted Maine locations.

Listen on the Go

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